How we helped Neatebox make it easier for disabled people to cross the road

To create a simple app that improves the daily lives of disabled people by enabling them to operate pedestrian crossings and doors using their mobile phones.
Button leverages smart hardware technology in combination with an app. The app was developed using React Native, which kept development costs low and allowed the team to focus on integrating the app with the hardware. The app also supports features like automatic button pushing based on proximity to make it really easy for users.
Button has provided disabled individuals with a newfound sense of independence and empowerment, enabling them to navigate their surroundings confidently and easily. This has reduced anxiety and improved safety for users; they no longer have to worry about finding the physical button, being able to reach it, and then getting ready to cross.
- Software Development
- Project Management
- Quality assurance testing
Full Story
Neatebox approached wheelHouse Software to develop an app to improve how disabled individuals interact with pedestrian crossings and doors in their daily lives. The software development process was both challenging and enjoyable, as the team at WheelHouse had the opportunity to work with interesting technology and make a tangible difference in people's lives.

The end result was a bespoke user-friendly app. We are proud to have been a part of this project and to have had the opportunity to play a role in delivering this project. We also learned a lot about integrating with Bluetooth low-energy devices in React Native projects.